3 Things to consider when taking your pet to the wedding.

By 6 years ago

3 Things to consider when taking your pet to the wedding

Your wedding is a big day that you have spent months, maybe even years planning, so we know that you want everything to be perfect and run smoothly. They say never work with children or animals, so how do we include pets at weddings? Here are our top 3 Things to consider when taking your pet to the wedding.

What is your pets personality?

Are they calm and collected, well behaved and mannered, do they easily get distracted or excited and what motivates them? These are all things you need to consider when choosing a role for your baby to play on your wedding day. In our experience most pets LOVE being there, and are able to behave. It might be the little chat we have with them in the car on the way there to explain the importance of the day, but we find that everyone behaves and enjoys the day.

What Role will they play?

It is an important day and you want it to be full of love and run smoothly. So choosing the role your baby plays is very important. Will they escort a flower girl or page boy down the aisle or can they bare the responsibility of being the ring bearer? Or are they more suited to watching at the end of the aisle and having family photos. Obviously the amount of responsibility you give your pet will be dependant on their over all personality.

Who will look after them?

Ensuring your day runs smoothly and every guest enjoys your moment. Means that sometimes it can be hard to choose someone to look after your baby throughout the day. After all there is the collection, transport, care during the ceremony and photos and then of course taking them home again. Rather than asking a guest to do all the running around and miss your first kiss, why not get a professional in to care for your pet on the day?

Need a hand working out how to include your pet? Talk to us NOW! 

Want to have a look at our packages to assist you on your day. Click HERE
