Feature in Open Colleges – Dog Walking and Pet Sitting
Last year we were approached by the team at Open Colleges to discuss the ins and outs of starting a dog walking and pet sitting company. We were very excited to be involved and help to inspire others to follow their dreams.
Open Colleges is a TAFE offering a range of courses and qualifications such as veterinary nursing and business, so what a better way to help educate and share our story then joining them and featuring in an article.
Here are some snippets from the article
“Starting a business
During the early stages of setting up her dog walking and pet minding business, Kylie researched what other similar services were offered in the area.What their prices were and how she could highlight her point of difference.
When Kylie initially set up her business, her marketing was primarily word of mouth. As the business took off, she advertised her services by flyers within veterinary clinics and pet shops, direct marketing in mailboxes, social media and at pet and wedding expos.
“We’ve also been lucky enough to feature in an array of media outlets from radio stations, TV and newspapers,” she adds.
Growing the business
Since being established, the business has grown so much that Kylie now has a team of 15 staff. Working across multiple locations within Australia.
The bottom line
“Make sure you’re providing a quality service, a service that clients will love, value and rave about,” advises Kylie. “Do it for the love and not the money.”
She notes that you need to be prepared to research, lose sleep and make mistakes. Similarly, you need to be committed to always having your phone on you. And be prepared for not always being able to go to that party or attend an event on time.
“This is particularly relevant at the beginning of your business,” Kylie says. “If you really want it to succeed, you will need to make sacrifices and you will need to work hard.
But, is it worth it? “Absolutely,” says Kylie.
“Nothing beats a big sloppy kiss from a happy fur baby. Or the praise of a client who has finally been able to take that holiday or work longer hours knowing that their fur baby is in good hands.” “
To book now or find out more click HERE
To see the full article click HERE